Pacific Aquaculture Cooperatives International

Specializing in sustainable aquaculture and biorock technology

Ontong Java Sea Cucumber Farming Operation

Ontong Java Development Company Ltd and PAC International partners to farm the world's largest atoll

Ontong Java Atoll, in the country of Solomon Islands, southwestern Pacific Ocean, 160 miles (257 km) north of Santa Isabel Island is considered the largest coral formation measuring some 20 miles (32 km) by 50 miles (80 km). Family owned business, Ontong Java Development Company Ltd is in the business of farming, harvesting, and exporting marine products that are readily available for market. With Pacific Aquaculture Cooperatives International (PAC), bringing its scientific expertise and technologies into the field, the partnership will make a significant difference in achieving the shared mission of the alleviation of poverty, morbidity, and illiteracy in the world.

Other Ongoing Projects

Ontong Java Atoll Farming

Ontong Java Development Company Ltd and PAC International are partners in sea cucumber farming of the world's largest atoll

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Biorock Polyculture Hatchery

Through twelve years of research, exploration, hypothesis, discovery, and field testing; Pacific Aquaculture Cooperatives International Inc. has become a world leader in the global sea cucumber farming industry, developer and on the ground champion of Climate Adaptation Strategies,

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Coral Reef Restoration

We are satisfied with the conclusive evidence supporting BioRock as an effective coral reef restoration technique, and protective measure to strengthen our corals against bleaching.

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Sea Cucumber Farming Projects

With the aquaculture industry being slightly less than 10% of the world's seafood trade of reported annual sales of $60.9 billion, the global sea cucumber market is reported at approximately $4.6 billion.

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